Simply fill in the form below.

Your application will be processed at the next monthly Board meeting. Following your acceptance as a Member, an invoice for your annual fee will be sent to you for payment.

In accordance with the rules of the Club, it is necessary for your nomination to be Proposed and Seconded by existing Members. If you do you not have a seconder, please write a short Bio in the applicable box below and we will assist you getting your application.

Any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch [email protected] or (07) 849 2839

Please complete this form to apply for membership. Please make sure you fill in all required (*) fields.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Post Code/RD
I have been a WRC Member Before

Nominated By

If you haven’t been a WRC Member you are required to have current WRC Members support your application.
If you do not know a current WRC Member please submit a short bio and your submission will be taken to the next board meeting.

Electronic Mail
If my application is successful I agree to receive electronic communications from the Waikato Racing Club and occasionally communications from their key business partners